Hi, I'm Kendall!
I have been in love with photography since a young age when I got my first camera as a Christmas present.
Since then, I have loved taking photos of people, but it really started when I bought my first DSLR when I was 15.
I studied photography in high school and both my photographic and digital media major and my visual arts major were big scale portrait projects.
During my final years of high school I got first place in my photographic and digital media class.
After finishing high school I relocated to Wollongong and studied a Bachelor of Arts with a Photography major, which I completed in 2021.
I still reside in the Illawarra and my favourite locations to do photo shoots are the Botanic Gardens and Wollongong Beach.
I look forward to working with you in the future.

Work Experience and Checks
I have work experience in Disability Support and working with children through another Santa photo business. I have also volunteered for Child playgroups parties before for photography.
I have also done two RAW Australia Showcases in Wollongong and Sydney to showcase my photography.
I currently have a Working with Children's Check and an NDIS Worker's Screening.

High School Photography and Visual Arts
Ulladulla High School
In high school I chose Photography and Visual Arts in my final years and both my major projects were portrait photography projects.
I came first in my class for Photography, and entered multiple competitions with my photography.
2016-2021 (2 years LOA)
Bachelor of Arts (Photography)
University of Wollongong
I studied my photography degree straight after leaving high school and decided to take a leave of absence half way through.
Throughout my degree I had a lot of creative fun with the projects and learning about all different types of cameras and printing techniques.